Acupuncture is a complex system of examination, diagnosis and treatment based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is primarily a preventive medicine, that is, it creates and maintains health, but is often used as an analgesic technique which brings relief from pain. Acupuncture is based upon the principal that any dysfunction is the result of an imbalance of the body’s natural energetic activity. The insertion of fine sterile disposable needles in specific “acupoints” is utilized to open up and regulate the natural flow of the body’s vital energy known as “Qi”, thereby restoring health and balance to the body. When Qi is flowing properly throughout our meridian pathways, the body’s natural processes will operate in a rhythmic and harmonious way and the body is then able to heal itself.
Meridians are pathways through which Qi circulates in our bodies, much like blood vessels are the pathways that blood circulates in our bodies. Acupuncture points are specific points located along the meridians where the Qi is most easily influenced. There are about 360 main acupuncture points that can be utilized by an acupuncturist to restore health and balance to the body. Traditional Chinese Medicine theory states that when the flow of Qi through the body is stagnated or blocked, the result is imbalance or disease. The points used by an acupuncturist on a particular meridian are chosen based on the patients symptoms and the root cause of the disease.
For an initial consultation expect to spend from 1—2 hours. An average intake process involves finding out in detail, not only about the problem that you are coming with, but also about many other aspects of your health and lifestyle. If appropriate, a physical examination may be done. Your pulse will be taken and tongue looked at. All this information creates a picture of the various imbalances in your system.
The treatment itself may involve cupping, or electric stimulation of acupoints, as well as acupuncture with sterile disposable needles.
Generally the treatment itself lasts for about 30 minutes, although this may vary according to the condition being treated. Many people feel deeply relaxed during this time and often fall asleep. Some patients experience immediate partial or total relief, others may notice a more gradual relief over time.
After the treatment, herbs may be prescribed in pill, tablet, or tea form. Traditional Chinese Herbal formulas are based on centuries of practical experience in China.
Frequency of treatments is usually once per week for 8-12 weeks. More chronic problems may take longer.